Divisibility Rule of 8

Concept Explanation

Divisibility Rule of 8

The Rule for 8: If the last three digits of a whole number are divisible by 8, then the entire number is divisible by 8. The rules for 2, 4, and 8 should all look similar. That is because these numbers are related. Think about the powers of 2.

Illustration 1 : Check whether 456,791,824 is divisible by 8 or not ?

Step 1: we will look at the last three digits of the number: 456,791,824.

Step 2 :Does 8 divide evenly into 824?

step 3 :YES, 8 goes into 824, 103 times without anything left over. So this number is divisible by 8. Illustration 2 : Check whether 923,780 is divisible by 8 or not ? Step 1 : we will focus on the last three digits of the number: 923,780.

Step 2 : Does 8 divide evenly into 780?

Step 3 : NO, 8 goes into 780, 97 times with a remainder of 4. So this number is not divisible by 8. Illustration 3 : Check whether 24,344 is divisible by 8 or not ?

Step 1: we will look at the last three digits of the number: 24,344.

Step 2 :Does 8 divide evenly into 344?

step 3 :YES, 8 goes into 344, 43 times without anything left over. So this number is divisible by 8.

Sample Questions
(More Questions for each concept available in Login)
Question : 1

Which of the following is divisible by 8 ?

Right Option : C
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Question : 2

Which of the following number is divisible by 8 ?

Right Option : D
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Question : 3

Which of the following numbers are divisible by 8 :

  1. 922448
  2. 3485244
  3. 665888
  4. 6423648


Right Option : B
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